Maze Monster

Generate and print mazes

Generate New Maze

Why Should Kids Do Mazes?

Mazes are great for kids! In addition to being really fun, there are a number of benefits for our kids. These include:

  • Visual Perceptual Skills: doing mazes are helpful to develop spatial reasoning. While kids work to find their way through a maze, they are developing their ability to understand their position in space
  • Fine Motor Skills: for kids who need help developing fine motor skills, mazes are a great way to work on it. They don't even know they're improving because they're doing something they enjoy
  • Problem Solving: doing maze after maze helps kids start to plan and create methods for problem solving
  • Spatial Reasoning: trying to navigate a "real" maze, something like a corn maze, can help all of us get better at understanding where we are in space

I learned about the developmental benefits of mazes from Top 5 Reasons Your Child Should Practice Mazes at Home. I also talked to occupational therapist Kathee Cammisa, who works with children, about the reasons she uses mazes with her patients.

More About Mazes

About Maze Monster

Generate and print as many mazes as your students or children can complete. That's exactly why I made I'm software engineer and technology leader Kate Green and I created Maze Monster to generate fun, challenging mazes for my kids during the covid-19 pandemic. I wanted to give them mazes of any size and be able to print them for them when they ask for them (which is often!). Read the whole story here.

For me, it's been a fun challenge to generate mazes with code, brush up on Typescript, and run all of this code in your browser.